Nursery Inspiration & New Mom Advice

Gimme S'more Gender Reveal Parties!

Gimme S'more Gender Reveal Parties!

on Aug 23, 2016
When I got the prompt for this gender reveal party, I couldn’t wait! We went with a camping theme to incorporate s’mores as the focal point for the gathering. Tossing in the age-old nursery rhyme, “Twinkle, twinkle little star how we wonder what you are” just fit perfectly for this social event! To integrate the invitation theme for the party, we also designed some water bottle labels. The hosts creatively colored the letters on Hershey's Milk Chocolate bars to amp up the excitement for the big unveiling as people assembled their own s'mores. They revealed the gender by setting up paint filled balloons on a canvas. The expecting parents threw darts at the canvas while they were...


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